Monday, December 14, 2009

Rainy Weekend and Start of Week 9

Finally got some rain here in Southern California last week and over the weekend.  It didn't rain quite as much as I thought.  There were periods of heavy rain and then a lot of sprinkles and light rain.   It's much needed here so any rain is good.

I had a long run this past Saturday and I got out about 5:57am.  It was still pretty dark so I had to take it really slow because the ground was wet, there was a light mist in the air, and I was wearing my sunglasses.  Yes, I wear prescription sunglasses and do so even when it's dark out because I'm far better with them on than without.  The rainy conditions presented a little bit of a challenge with the sunglasses since they were getting wet and making it hard to see.  I finally had to just take them off about halfway through.  By that time there was a little bit of daylight so it wasn't too bad.

So this week is already week 9 (out of 16) on the training schedule.  I can't believe how quickly time is going.   Number of training days is increasing this week so it's going to be a challenge keeping it up especially with how busy it gets around this time (for both work and personal life).

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